Friday, November 30, 2012

Useful Software : CrossLoop

Hi Friends!!

An another important & useful software for you.Hope you will like it

If you are working with windows & you are trapped in a trouble, then this post will help you. CrossLoop software with the help of which you can connect with anyone's computer or anyone can connect with your computer also, and working on your computer for few time with your Permission. To use it you do not need the complex VNC clients or IP addresses. The requirement is to use it only that croosloop must be installed on both the PC/Mac and a good internet connection. After it you will connect with each other. The Connection is secure and it can only be accessed through password. Every-time when you start it , the pass-keys are generated.

To Experience this useful software you have to download it from the following link:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

TrueCrypt : Virtual Drive

Hi Friends!!!

Today's Post is very important as security point of view.

If there are some files or programs present in your computer,which you do not want to show others then you should have to use true-crypt.   It is an automatic and real time open source encryption software. It can keep secure anything on your hard drive. It keeps  data far from the reach of apocryphal persons and experienced hackers. With the use of this software you can create an encrypted volume on your drive.It perform encryption or decryption using the techniques of  modern processor. It will not slow your computer speed. It is very easy to use.

So this post will help all of you in many ways.But specially to them who have only single drive on their system and want to create some other drives but unable ,because of the large amount of data stored on their system.

So if you are interested to work with it , then you have to click on the following link and experienced a new way to create the virtual drives........

Monday, November 26, 2012

Change the File Formate Without any Software

Hi Guys!!
This is a very useful post for every one......

If someone sent a file to you using e-mail and you are unable to open it or you do not have the needed software to open it then you are so much worry & getting frustrated & tell the mailer to resend the mail with appropriate file format so that you can easily open it with the software you have.

It many times happen with the music files. The music file you downloaded , but you do not have the software to play it if its format is other than MP3 & WAVE format.

But don't worry all this trouble can solve with the use of single website. You just have to go to the following link & choose your format in which you have to convert the file. The using of this website is so easy & this is a very useful & user-friendly website.

Sometime it will take so much time to convert the large size of files.You can also change the formats of Images & videos also,

All the results by this website are very good & you are will enjoy to work with it.

Thank you!!!

Just Click & Enjoy

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Important Window tool

Hi Friends !!

Here is something useful for you. A tool which you like if you are looking to snapshot something from your PC. Sometimes we have to use snapshot for some reason or anything else like to help someone or capture the computer screen for our project or later use,so this will be an important post for you.

"Cam Studio": This is a very useful software. Whatever you are doing on your screen of PC this software can able to record it in the form of a video. If you want to tell something to your friends or family member to show them something or broadcast the video on any video broadcasting website then you can start the cam studio. You have to click on record & minimize the window & do whatever you want to do.After the work has been done stop the recording & you will get the high quality or AVI file of your work. Its very useful & easy to work & better then the use of a camera.

To download this free software click the following link & enjoy the free streaming video.

For more detail go to the website

Monday, November 19, 2012

Some Helpfull Websites

All the below websites are helpful for all you guys. If you do not have very good knowledge of programming  don't worry its all very simple to create new applications. Some of the websites provides the fantastic interface for its users so that they can easily understand & work on their new desire apps. So look at-least once on the following websites

Blogger Widgets