Hi Friends !!
In this post I am going to tell you about, how to create your own run command.
For those who don't know about the run command :-
run command is a kind of short-cut key with the help of which we can open various applications/programme.
When you press "windows/start" key and "R" key together a small window in the left-side of desktop will be open. You will ask to type a command there. There are many predefine are available for use like "control panel, registry editor, notepad, etc..."
for example : if you like to open control panel using run command. you must have to follow the step.
step 1 . Press windows/start key with r key (together)
step 2 . Small window will appear.
Done. Control panel will be open.
Now similarly, you can open your favourite applications/programme using run command with the help of a little trick shown below.
Steps to create your own commands.
step 1 . First of all create the short-cut of that application/programme which you want to add in run commands.
For example : if we like to create a run command for "Google Chrome". then we will have to create a short-cut of google chrome anywhere (i am creating on desktop and recommend it.).
step 2 . Now, after creating short-cut give a suitable name to it which later you can type in run command to open the chrome.
For example : if we will choose "chrome" as a name of short-cut of google chrome, then it will be used as a command in run.
step 3 . Now its time to add this application in the command list. To add this in run command you will have to copy the short-cut and paste it into the following path :
step 4 . After paste the short-cut, now your run command is ready to use.
Open run command
Type the given name to the short-cut.
press enter or click on ok.
Google Chrome will be open.
Now create your own commands and enjoy...!!!!